

Hilary Dugas is an avid printmaker and graphic designer who specializes in screen-printing. She is the recipient of the 2021 Homer L. Hitt Society Art Award, which recognizes the artistic achievements of graduate students at UNO and the high quality of work they produce. Her work has been exhibited in The UNO Lakeshore Gallery, UNO St. Claude Gallery, Where Y’art Gallery, The Old 77 Hotel and Chandlery, and The Ameen Art Gallery.

Over the last decade she has worked for large- and small-scale print shops and taught printmaking and design classes to children and adults. She worked as a design and marketing intern for The National WWII Museum and as an administrative intern for Prospect.5, Prospect New Orleans, a citywide contemporary triennial. She was born, raised, and currently lives in New Orleans where she works as a freelance artist, graphic designer, and teacher.